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cafeplotpanelenhanced Source code in cafeplotpanelenhanced.pro


           plots data/model of fit in single panel, faciliating enhanced
           expressions. Functionally like cafeplotpanel.
           cafeplotpanelenhanced, panel ,group,position=position,
Input Parameters
           panel    - Defines the panel number from environment to
                      draw in current window.
           group    - Define the data group to plot.
                      Must be in range [0..9].
           position - 4-vector containing edge coordinates
                      of panel to plot. Coordinates are values
                      between 0..1.
           cursor   - Input information about current cursor position
                      in data coordinates. Must be 2-element vector
Output Parameters
           range    - 6-dim double array. It defines best matching
                      ranges for data/values to display. The elements
                      are defined as follow:
                          0 - xmin
                          1 - xmax
                          2 - ymin
                          3 - ymax
                          4 - zmin  (for 3-d plots only)
                          5 - zmax  (for 3-d plots only)
                      This range is necessary to export a common
                      range for different panels (usually the x-range
                      must be the same for stacked plots).
                      From this range the x/y/z ranges are taken if
                      not defined with inputs above.
                      The elements should be preset with values
           closest  - Information about closest data point to
                      cursor. This is an anonymous record with
                      following entries:
                       DIST     - currently used best distance from cursor.
                       GROUP    - group number of group containing
                                  closest  data point
                       SUBGROUP - Subgroup number of closest data point.
                       NUM      - Number of closest data point.
                       X        - X position of closest data point.
                       Y        - Y position of closest data point.
           The plots to be inserted in panels are defined
           with plot types defining what to plot. There
           are some plot types available (and could be
           extended just as in case of fit models).
                 <plot type>:group...(*):group
                 cafeplotpanel supports only the "+" operator (for
                 (*)) to execute one plot type after the other. Here
                 are some additional operators (refer OPERATIONS).
                 > cafeplotpanel, data+model...
                   -> Draw data and model in the same panel.
                 > cafeplotpanel,data:2+data:3
                   -> Draw data from group 2,3 to panel.
                 The "+" adds several plot types in the same
                 panel. In this case each will be drawn in a
                 different color (refer also to the plot types
                 The optional ":<group>" defines the group for
                 the specific plot type to look data/model for.
                 Common plot types are
                  "data" - draw the data as is
                  "model"- draw the computed model with
                            current parameters
                   "res" - Residuum between data/model
                "delchi" - Same but in units of 1 sigma
           quiet - do not plot but determine range only.
           This procedure supports additional operations to the "+"
           combinator which applies for a sequence of plot types.
           These operators are:
           + - standard case: execute plot type on current plot
               device. This is the only operator which acknowledges
               the z buffer device.
           ^ - add two images in respect of their colors. May be used
               to simulate transparency by adding image parts which
               were hidden.
           * - multiply colors of image. May be used to
               enhance/diminish colors.
           & - mask parts of image. This means that for a & b the
               image b is shown where image b is not black, otherwise
               a is shown. Usefull to replace parts of image with
               other parts.
Side Effects
           - may change color table/palette
           - may change current device (if crashed)
           - needs a lot of CPU.
Revision History
           $Id: cafeplotpanelenhanced.pro,v 1.5 2005/01/04 10:56:06 goehler Exp $
 $Log: cafeplotpanelenhanced.pro,v $
 Revision 1.5  2005/01/04 10:56:06  goehler
 fix: make shure all (internal) routines are properly documented
 Revision 1.4  2004/01/12 14:47:46  goehler
 - plotting with arbitrary background now possible. Main problem was the
   fact that the background color in !p.background not necessarily is the
   one read from the image. Therefore the background color is directly read
   from the device and propagated to other plot handlers via the
   backgroundcolor keyword.
 - Some problems occurred when combining parameters -> the logic was simply
 Revision 1.3  2003/12/29 12:02:59  goehler
 added possibility to set background
 Revision 1.2  2003/12/02 14:56:48  goehler
 updated docu
 fixed precedence, debug statements currently working...
 Revision 1.1  2003/12/02 10:48:37  goehler
 initial version of a hyper enhanced plot facility (beta state, does not affect nominal plotting)

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:31 UTC

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