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Abteilung Astronomie

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cafeminimizefun Source code in cafeminimizefun.pro


           main minimization function
           cafeminimizefun, parameter
Input Parameters
           parameter - (variable) list of parameter values to be set
                       according minimization.
Output Parameters
           Returns function values (y) less the model weighted with
Common Blocks
           env - Environment structure containing all relevant
                 static properties of cafe. Does also contain
                 pointer to x/y data sets and the fit model so
                 this function is able to construct a value
Side Effects
           Stores parameters in parameter list for all groups in (*env).
Revision History
           $Id: cafeminimizefun.pro,v 1.4 2005/01/04 14:04:53 goehler Exp $
 $Log: cafeminimizefun.pro,v $
 Revision 1.4  2005/01/04 14:04:53  goehler
 fix: proper header
 Revision 1.3  2004/09/10 16:04:52  goehler
 change: replaced minimum searcher by tnmin from C. Markwardt.
 Revision 1.2  2004/08/04 06:59:22  goehler
 - acknowledge constant parameters not to change
 - acknowledge limits which create maximum results if crossed
 Revision 1.1  2004/08/02 07:08:37  goehler
 meta-fit command which allows different metrics which are minimized (instead of
 chi^2 minimization alone)

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:29 UTC

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