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cafelegendinfo Source code in cafelegendinfo.pro


           adds plot legend information to environment so the
           legend_data routine can retrieve the plot information.
           cafelegendinfo, env, str, color, linestyle, psym
Input Parameters
           env   - The environment
           str   - the string describing current plot type/information
                   (should not be empty).
           type  - Information about the caller of this
                   procedure. The type will be used to select certain
                   legend data types.
           group - The group of the data entry.
           panel - The panel number of the data entry.
Optional Input Parameters
           color - Color to be associated with given string.
        linestyle- Linestyle to be associated with given string
           psym  - point symbol to be associated with given string.
Output Parameters
Side Effects
           Changes the environment legend data information. This
           information will be used when the legend data style is
           used which is a list of strings/ colors/ linestyles/
           psyms. According this list the data information are
           plotted in the legend window.
           This routine should be called from each plot type with the
           currently used color/linestyle/psym and a descriptive
           string. For data for example the string is the currently
           plotted subgroup.
Revision History
           $Id: cafelegendinfo.pro,v 1.4 2005/01/04 14:04:53 goehler Exp $
 $Log: cafelegendinfo.pro,v $
 Revision 1.4  2005/01/04 14:04:53  goehler
 fix: proper header
 Revision 1.3  2003/11/10 12:44:36  goehler
 fix: apply psym change only when deltapsym is actually set
 Revision 1.2  2003/10/04 18:22:34  goehler
 fix: do not try to use psym=10 (histogram). replace with psym=3
 Revision 1.1  2003/06/16 08:55:17  goehler
 added major task: information about currently used plot type is written
                   into the plot.legendinfo environment structure list.
                   This information is used by the legend type "data" which
                   displays information about the different plotted lines.
 Also added: _EXTRA setting of PSYM entry with cafeaddextrakey function,
             new plot when legend will change
             add/remove facility for legends
             legend show type

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:29 UTC

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