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cafegti Source code in cafegti.pro


           Return good time interval for given data sets.
Input Parameters
           env      - The fit environment as defined in
                      cafeenv__define. Contains data to be
                      considered in gti expression.
           range    - Expression which defines range of data points to
                      return. Refer caferange procedure for complete
           subgroup - Integer number defining the data set(s) (subgroup)
                      for which the gti is returned.
           group    - Integer number defining the data group for
                      which the gti is returned. Must be in 0..29.
Keyword Parameters
           gaps     - Take time gaps into account which are defined
                      by non-evenly spacing in the x values of given
                      subgroups (each subgroup is treated
                      The gap is defined by deviation of regular
                      time steps (with bin width = x[1]-x[0] or bt)
                      exceeds the tolerance.
Optional Input Parameters
         tolerance - Parameter defining the lower limit for the gap
                     length; the reference is the time difference
                     between the first and second entry in the time
                     array; tolerance defines the maximum allowed
                     relative deviation from this reference bin
                     length; default: 1D-8.
          bt       - bin-time of the light curve (default:
Output Parameters
           Returns 2-Dim good time  array defined as gti[2,*] with gti[0,*]
           are the start and gti[1,*] are the stop times.
           If no valid good time interval is found -1 is returned.
           The gti list is  sorted and no intervals should intersect.
           This procedure defines good time intervals (i.e. the range
           of valid data points) under following assumptions:
            1.) start and stop of each data set define the
                outer gti boundary.
            2.) ignored data points and data points not mentioned in
                range define inner gti boundaries.
Side Effects
Revision History
           $Id: cafegti.pro,v 1.3 2004/09/27 21:29:52 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:28 UTC

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