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wplot Source code in cafe_wplot.pro


           interactively plots data/model of fit in separate window
           wplot [,[+/-]add_on_button+...+add_on_button]
Input Parameters
           add_on_button - (optional) Defines to display a button
                           which is not used in the default set
                           described below. These buttons perform
                           special actions and may be defined by
                           users own procedure. For a template refer
                           the default button procedure.
                           A list of available add-on-buttons (and
                           the default buttons) may be get with
                           "help, wplot,all".
                           Closer description will be get with
                           Prefixing the button expression with a "+"
                           adds this expression to the existing
                           button list.
                           Prefixing the button expression with a "-"
                           excludes all buttons from the list which
                           match this expression (wildcards "*" and
                           "?" are allowed).
           add_on_slider - (optional) Defines list of sliders to be
                           allocated vertically stacked below the
                           (add-on) buttons.
                           Formally there is no difference between
                           buttons and sliders (they may be used
                           equally) but using this slot grants more
                           freedom for the slider bars.
                           Slider expressions also may be prefixed
                           with "+" and "-" as the button
           t3d         - Support 3-dimensional display set. There is
                         no different plotting but the mouse
                         behaviour (selecting data points) is more
                         3-d appropriate, and the default slider/buttons are
                         - 3 sliders to move the data object to x/y/z
                         - zoom in/out will be applied in
                           3-dimensional manner.
                         - 2 sliders are available to rotate the data
                           around the x and z axis.
                         In general it is safe not to use the /t3d
                         option (displaying 2-dim data sets with /t3d
                         may fail), but using /t3d is more convenient
                         for 3-dimensional data sets.
           copy        - Copy the environment (but not the data!) to
                         be used with wplot. This is necessary if
                         running multiple instances ("windows") of
                         wplot (when using the /idle option),
                         or to avoid setplot range settings being
          idle         - Do not block the command line when wplot widget is
                         shown. This has the effect that no wplot buttons
                         may be used till the command "idle" is
                         entered. On the other hand it is possible to
                         run wplot/command line in parallel.
          reset        - When wplot quits it keeps the former plotted
                         part. This might be anoying when the plot
                         style/data set changes. To avoid it this
                         keyword might be set which forces wplot to
                         start with initial ranges from plot.
          Apart from the options above following parameters might be set:
               xsize   - Initial x size of plot window
                         (pixel). Default: 900.
               ysize   - Initial y size of plot window
                         (pixel). Default: 650.
               All options may be set via
               > set,<option>=value.
               WPLOT is intended as a mean to control data selection
               and plotting of restricted ranges. It runs in a
               separate window and is controlled via graphical
               Before wplot could be used properly a plot style must
               be defined with the plot command. The displayed plot image
               may differ from the one created with the plot command
               - plotting is set at exact axis range (this is
                 necessary that shift/zoom works properly) with the
                 IDL xstyle=1 input.
               - The selected zoom factor must fit into the 1,2,5
                 rule (that is: the range must be a power of ten
                 times either 1,2 or 5 so the zoomed window always
                 has a well defined scaling factor).
               The slider defines the center of the displayed
               x-axis. It may be used for tuning/selecting the
               displayed window part.
               With add-on buttons mentioned above additional
               button-commands can be loaded. Last loaded buttons
               will be used as default if none are specified.
               Data point Selection:
               Main part of wplot is the possibility to select data
               points. This is done by pressing the left mouse button
               and drag the cursor which selects a certain
               range. The selected range may be used for further
               processing with add-on buttons.
               Pressing the right mouse button will deselect a
               Pressing the middle mouse button will toggle
               (select/deselect) closest data points.
               The selection will be done for data in current
               group only. WPLOT is intended to process a single
               group (though it is possible to display more than one
               group, of course).
               Wplot defines a set of default buttons. These are (if
               the /t3d option is not set):
               ZOOM IN  - narrow visible range. This will be done in
                          steps as 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2, 0.1...
               ZOOM OUT - enlarge visible range This will be done in
                          steps as 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50...
               <<       - move left 75%
               <|       - move left 10%
               |>       - move right 10%
               >>       - move right 75%
               EXIT     - leave WPLOT
           Left button click will center the plot in x-range at
           data at mouse position.
Side Effects
           Changes xrange/yrange in setplot environment domain. These
           settings will be deleted when leaving wplot.
           All plots will be sent into the wplot window instead of
           the usual plot window (which will be closed when running wplot).
               > plot, data+model,res
               > wplot,seekleft+seekright
                -> uses wplot to show data, model plus residuum. Two
                additional buttons for selective shift are set.
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_wplot.pro,v 1.49 2004/06/21 09:24:17 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:24 UTC

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