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show_error Source code in cafe_show_error.pro


           displays last computed parameter errors
           show topic
           show, error
Output Parameters
           Displays error information of model parameter for all groups.
           Shown are only free parameter (for fixed parameters the
           error range is 0..0).
           Displayed is:
                parameter - All used parameters with
                            - parameter number in given group
                            - model number to which the parameter
                              belongs to (in brackets)
                            - name of the parameter
                            - current value
                            - error value of the parameter. This
                              error is estimated as the max
                              difference of error ranges from the
                              fitted value. If this difference is
                              zero the hessian error value is displayed.
                            - min error value as being determined
                              with the error command.
                            - max error value as being determined
                              with the error command.
                            - parameter link information as a
                              "*". This marks that the parameter is
                              linked to other parameter(s).
Side Effects
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_show_error.pro,v 1.8 2004/09/27 19:40:32 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:21 UTC

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