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setplot Source code in cafe_setplot.pro


           Change common plot appearance
           setplot [, plotparam[=value]][,panel]
Input Parameters
           plotparam- The plot parameter to change. This may be any
                      IDL plot option which will be applied to all
                      plot styles defined. Some also will apply to
                      different commands, e.g. contour.
                      Some plot styles (and commands) define
                      additional plot parameters to control the plot
                      appearance, e.g. the plot style "data" adds a
                      "noerror" flag which inhibits the plotting of
                      the error bars.
                      Care must be taken for:
                        - X/YRANGE (computed explicitely)
                        - NOERASE  (is used to allow several panel plot)
                        - POSITION (is used to plot at defined positions)
                      If no plot parameter is given the current
                      settings are reported.
            value   - The value to set. This may be a number, a
                      string (need not be enclosed in "") or a vector
                      in brackets ([a,b,c]).
                      Former settings of values will be overridden.
                      If the value is an empty string the entry will
                      be deleted.  (e.g. setplot,title="" deletes the
                      title entry).
                      If no value is given ("="  must be omitted) an existing
                      parameter is removed from the setplot list. If
                      for missing values the parameter is not defined
                      it will be set at 1.This allows
                      simple settings of flags:
                      Example: setplot, noerror
                               -> equals setplot,noerror=1 provided
                               the setting "noerror" was still not
            panel   - Defines for which panel to set the value. If
                      not defined the value applies to all panels.
            /quiet  - Do not update plot when setting is finished.
            /report - Report setting performed (usefull for log
           The option "quiet" may be set with the "set" command. The
           command prefix is "setplot".
           All IDL plot keywords can be used. Some reasonable
           keywords are:
            - xlog=1, ylog=1 : plot logarithmically
            - ynozero=1      : do not extend y axis to 0
            - xtitle, ytitle : Text of x/y axis
            - title          : Text above plot
Side Effects
           Changes environment in respect of plot appearance.
             > setplot, xtitle=time
              -> x axis title will show the word "time" for all panels.
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_setplot.pro,v 1.15 2003/11/05 15:10:44 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:21 UTC

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