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Abteilung Astronomie

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setformat Source code in cafe_setformat.pro


           Change print format for print/parameters
           setformat, format_id=code
Input Parameters
           format_id - The format identifier defining which format
                       should be changed. This may be one of the
                       following identifier:
                         x     - the x axis print format
                         y     - the y axis print format
                         error - the error axis print format
                         parval- parameter value format
                         parerr- parameter error format
             code   -  The format code to set. This may be a IDL float
                       point value format code which has following syntax:
                       <CODE>[.] with
                       CODE - defining the format code, as there are:
                              F - float proint number
                              E - float point number in exponential
                              G - float point number like either as F
                                  or G depending on value.
                      width - Number defining the overal width of
                              the number string.
                       prec - Number defining the number of positions
                              after the decimal point.
Side Effects
           Changes format definitions in environment.
             > setformat, x=F10.5
              -> x axis printout will be 10 characters wide, 5 post
                   digit positions.
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_setformat.pro,v 1.6 2003/11/05 15:10:44 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:20 UTC

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