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plotout_eps Source code in cafe_plotout_eps.pro


           Plot out to encapsulated postscript file.
           Uses current plot settings to print out to encapsulated
           postscript file. Start color will be set at 0, so
           foreground color will become black, because background
           usually is white.
Keyword Parameters
             fontsize  - Size of font to use (in pt).
             fonttype  - Which type of font to
                           -1 - vector drawn fonts
                            0 - device (system) fonts
                            1 - truetype fonts.
                         Default is 0 which gives best results
                         except when rotation is required (3d-View)
             xsize     - Size in X-direction in cm.
             ysize     - Size in Y-direction in cm.
             aspect    - ratio of y/x. Default is 0.75.
             scale     - Plots could be scaled up. Default is 1.
             color     - plot out colorized.
             landscape - plot out in landscape instead portrait
             a4        - Plot ut in DIN A4 format. Landscape only.
             apj1col   - Plot out for 1 column of ApJ.
             aa1col    - Plot out for 1 column of A&A.
             aa2col    - Plot out for 2 columns of A&A.
             aa14cm    - Plot out for full field of  A&A.
             times     - Use times font. Default is helvetia.
             quiet     - Do not actually plot out but open/store file
                         and parameters only.
           All keywords/options may be set with the "set"
           command. The command prefix is "plotout_eps".
Side Effects
           Plots current view into postscript file.
           If the file is not changed multiple plot images are saved
           into a numbered files.
               > plotout, graph.eps[color]
               -> plots to file "graph.eps", using standard postscript
               format, and colors. Repeating plotout will yield
               "graph.eps", "graph1.eps", "graph2.eps"....
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_plotout_eps.pro,v 1.11 2004/03/24 13:50:32 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:18 UTC

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