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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

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plot_text Source code in cafe_plot_text.pro


           Plot text at given position.
           plot type
Input Parameters
           group    - (optional) Define the data group to plot.
                      Default is the primary group 0. Must be in
                      range [0..9].
           txt      - (required) The text to plot.
           tpos     - Position of (x/y) title text in data units (if
                      not normal selected).
                      Default is top centered.
           right    - Plot text on right side
           left     - Plot text on left side
           top      - Plot text  on top of plot
           bottom   - Plot text  on bottom of plot
           data     - Use data points as position reference. In this
                      case it is recomended to use more than one
                      entry for txt:
                      > plot,data+text[txt=["a","b","c"]
                      -> label first three points with a,b,c.
           normal   - Use normal coordinates (0..1) for
                      reference. The input tpos must be defined for
                      this case.
           frame    - Use plot frame coordinates (0..1) for
                      reference. The plot frame is defined by the
                      current panel the plot is done in.
                      The input tpos must be defined for this case.
           align    - Value defining left(0), right(1) or center (0.5)
                      alignment of text in respect of its position.
        orientation - Rotation of text in degree. Default is 0.
        charsize    - Size of chars.
           txt     - Puts the text at given position. Default
                     position is title of the plot.
Side Effects
           > plot, data+model+text[txt=Gaussian curve]
                -> Add title to data.
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_plot_text.pro,v 1.8 2004/12/01 16:12:14 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 January 04 at 16:17 UTC

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