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Abteilung Astronomie

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data_fits2 Source code in cafe_data_fits2.pro


           Read in 2-d data set from fits file (binary/ascii table)
           Read the file as an fits file containing the
           data in tables. Images are still not supported.
           (optional) parameters are ordered as follows:
            x1col - The column number for the X1 axis. This may be
                    either the column name or its number.
                    Default is column 1.
            x2col - The column number for the X2 axis. This may be
                    either the column name or its number.
                    Default is column 2.
             ycol - The column number or name for the Y axis.
                    Default is column 3.
           errcol - The column number or name for the ERROR axis.
                    Default is no error reading. No error is read if the
                    column is set explicitely at "" (i.e. no entry
                    between the comma).
        extension - The extension number. If not given the
                    extension number 1 is used (first extension).
               All parameters are separated with ",". If one
               parameter is not defined (empty string) the default
               column is used.
               All keywords/options may be set with the "set"
               command. The command prefix is "data_fits", the setup
               keyword is as used for parameters above.
Side Effects
           Loads file data into environment.
               > data, rate.fits:3[x,y,z,,2],fits2
               -> loads in data from fits file rate.fits (marked via
               extension fits2) to first free subgroup in group 3. Use
               columns x,y for independent values and z for dependend values.
Revision History
           $Id: cafe_data_fits2.pro,v 1.9 2005/02/17 07:52:25 goehler Exp $

Last modified by pro2html on 2005 February 18 at 04:12 UTC

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