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Abteilung Astronomie

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Table of Contents


CAFE, the Common Astronomical Fit Environment written by E. Göhler

A frontend for Craig Marquardts mpfit, allowing the fitting of arbitrary models to several data sets.

It supports:

See the longer description of the routine cafe_cafe for details.

Index of Subroutines

cafe Interactive fit environment suplying a frontend for reading/fitting/plotting/analysing data
cafe - introduction multi-purpose fit environment.
chgrp Change default group
chpar change model parameter
chres Change group for results
clean removes undefined datapoints
copy copy one data set to another group.
curvefit perform fit process with IDL CURVEFIT
data Read in data set from fits/ascii file.
data_dat Read in data set from ascii file.
data_dat2 Read in 2-d data set from ascii file.
data_fits Read in data set from fits file (binary/ascii table)
data_fits2 Read in 2-d data set from fits file (binary/ascii table)
data_fitsimg Read in data set from fits file (image extension)
data_gti Read in good time intervals from a fits file and apply this information by ignoring not covered data points.
data_pha2 Read in phase resolved spectra profile.
data_qdp Read in data set from qdp file (PLT/XSPEC output)
defpar define model parameter properties like its name or its boundary
epfold performs epoche folding on data set(s) withing certain period ranges. Tries to look for periods.
error compute errors for fit using the chi^2 distribution.
exec executes commands defined in file.
export Write out data set to ascii/fits file.
export_dat Write out data to ascii file.
export_gti Write out ignored data information into GTI file (fits).
export_sav Write out data to IDL save file.
fit perform fit process of given model to data
fiterror reconstruct error column by fitting model
freeze fixes model parameter
gafit perform genetic algorithm fit process of given model to data
help prints help of a standard command/model.
hist Creates histogram of x values for certain data sets. Result is presented in a new data set allocated in result group.
hist2 Creates 2-d histogram of x1/x2 values for certain data sets. Result is presented in a new data set allocated in result group.
idle Suspend command line for window event processing
ignore ignore datapoints for fit
import Imports data from IDL variables.
integrate integrates data set(s) in given range and prints result.
iplot interactively plots data/model of fit
legend draws legend information for plots
legend_data Draws/writes data/line information in legend in plot window.
legend_line Draws a line in legend
legend_models Writes currently used models as legend in plot window.
legend_param Writes parameter name+value in legend
legend_result Writes Fit result as legend in plot window.
legend_set Writes current setting in legend
legend_string Writes legend text in plot window.
limit limit model parameter to constrain fitting process
load Loads environment from file which was created with the "save" command.
load_cfg Loads from file some configuration items.
load_plt Loads plot style from plt file.
load_sav Loads environment from IDL SAV file.
log Set/Change log file for cafe environment
cafe - maintenance Describes how to support this environment
merge merges data sets into new data set.
minimize Tries to minimize a specific metric (e.g. chi^2) by changing model parameters.
cafe_minimize_chisq chi^2 metric function
cafe_minimize_chisqdx chi^2 metric function which takes x-error (dx) also into account
model define model of fit
model_ceil Returns closest integer value above x value
model_const Define constant fit model y = const
model_data Use separate data in distinct group as fit model.
model_data2 Use separate 2-dimensional data in distinct group as fit model.
model_exp Define exponential fit model y
model_floor Returns closest integer value below x value
model_gauss Define Gaussian fit model y = 1/sqrt(2*pi)/sigma * exp(- 1/2*((x-x0)/sigma)^2)
model_gauss2 Define 2-Dim Gaussian fit model y = 1/sqrt(sigma*2*pi) * exp( - 0.5*((x_1-x0)/sigma_x)^2 - 0.5*((x_2-y0)/sigma_y)^2)
model_legendre Define model consisting of legendre polynoms
model_lin Define linear fit model y = m*x + b.
model_log Define logarithmic fit model
model_lorentz Define Lorentzian fit model y = 1/pi * gamma/2 * 1/((x-x0)^2 + (gamma/2)^2)
model_parabel Define parabolic fit model y = a*x^2 + b*x + c.
model_pow Define power fit model
model_sin Define sinus fit model y
model_tan Define tangent fit model y
model_theta Define theta function (step from 0 to 1 at x=0)
model_x Identity model - returns x value as is
model_x1 Projektion model of identity - returns X-values column 1 (first) of multidimensional data.
model_x2 Projektion model of identity - returns X-values column 2 (second) of multidimensional data.
model_x3 Projektion model of identity - returns Z-values column 3 (third) of multidimensional data.
modify modifies data point values (x/y/error)
notice explicitely allow data points for fit
pause Waits till user hits key. Usefull for scripts.
pfold folds data set(s) with certain period.
plot plots data/model of fit
plot_axis plot axis
plot_data plot data as is
plot_data2 plot 2-d data as is
plot_data3 plot 3-d data transforming into voxel which are displayed using shade_volume or other routines.
plot_datafill plot data with filled axis, adding some information.
plot_datascal plot data with the possibility to shift/scale the plot in X/Y direction.
plot_delchi plot residuum in 1-sigma units
plot_empty do not plot anything
plot_frame plots the frame for following plot types. Must (!) be the first plot type (will be inserted automatically if not given).
plot_frame2 plots 3-d frame for following plot types. Must (!) be the first plot type (will be inserted automatically if not given and 3-d data to plot).
plot_model plot model
plot_model2 plot 2-d model over existing data
plot_model3 plot 3-d model usingvoxels which are displayed using shade_volume or other routines.
plot_parmodel plot parametriced models
plot_ratio plot residuum as a ratio
plot_res plot residuum
plot_selection plot selected data
plot_slice2 extract from 2D-data set a slice and plot it 1-dimensional
plot_steppar plot 2-dim parameter confidence computed with steppar command
plot_steppar2 plot 3-dim steppar values computed with the steppar command
plot_text Plot text at given position.
plot_ybar plot y=const line for all existing data points, ignoring its y information.
plotout creates hardcopy of last plot
plotout_eps Plot out to encapsulated postscript file.
plotout_jpg Plot out to jpeg file.
plotout_png Plot out to an portable network graphic file.
plotout_ps Plot out to postscript file.
print prints out data list of single group
prompt Change prompt of cafe program
quit exit cafe program
remove Removes data set in group/subgroup
reset Resets environment into initial state.
save Saves environment into file.
save_cfg Saves current configuration (set/setplot settings) into file.
save_cmd Saves current state into a command script file. To restore the state it is sufficient to run this file as an ordinary script.
save_param Saves fit parameter into ascii file.
save_plt Saves current plot style into file.
save_sav Saves environment into IDL SAV file.
scargle Compute the lomb-scargle periodogram of an unevenly sampled lightcurve. Refer procedure "scargle" in the aitlib.
select select datapoints
set Change common setup parameter
setformat Change print format for print/parameters
setplot Change common plot appearance
show displays fit results/general status of environment
show_chres Displays current result group (from chres)
show_data displays data of all groups/subgroups
show_datrange displays range information about all data sets
show_error displays last computed parameter errors
show_files displays files using in different subgroups
show_free displays fit results of free parameters
show_legend Displays current legend settings
show_limit displays parameter limit
show_model displays model of different groups
show_param displays complete parameter information
show_plot Displays all plot panels
show_result displays fit results/general status of environment
show_set Displays all setup definitions.
show_setplot Displays all setplot definitions.
show_stat displays statistic information about all data
show_step displays parameter step informations
show_wplot Displays wplot settings (buttons/sliders)
sort sort datapoints in ascending x order. Plots look better doing this.
steppar compute confidence range/contour for fit
cafe - syntax Describe command line syntax
thaw releases fixed model parameter
tie links parameters to other
tutorial runs a (more or less) interactive tutorial.
undo restores former environment
unselect unselect data points
untie releases binding of model parameter
wplot interactively plots data/model of fit in separate window
wplot_chgrp Button to change group
wplot_chpar Button to change parameter value
wplot_error Button to compute fit error for selected data points
wplot_exclude Button to exclude non-selected data points
wplot_exec Button to perform any (fixed) cafe command.
wplot_fit Button to fit selected data points
wplot_fiterror Button to reconstruct error column by fitting selected data points
wplot_ignore Button to ignore selected data points
wplot_notice Button to notice selected data points
wplot_rotdown Button to rotate 3-dim pictures around AX axis down.
wplot_rotleft Button to rotate 3-dim pictures clockwise
wplot_rotright Button to rotate 3-dim pictures anticlock wise
wplot_rotup Button to rotate 3-dim pictures around X axis up.
wplot_savefit Button to save fitted parameters into file
wplot_seekleft Button to navigate in data and find next data point
wplot_seekright Button to navigate in data and find next data point
wplot_setplot Button to modify setplot settings.
wplot_shiftleft Button to shift view of data
wplot_shiftright Button to change view of data
wplot_sliderchgrp Slider to change current group
wplot_sliderparam Slider to change parameter value
wplot_sliderrotx Slider to rotate around x-range
wplot_sliderrotz Slider to rotate display around z axis.
wplot_sliderx Slider to shift x-range
wplot_slidery Slider to shift y-range
wplot_sliderz Slider to shift z-range
wplot_stepleft Button to change viewport to left
wplot_stepright Button to change viewport to right
wplot_unselect Button to unselect all data points
wplot_zoomin Button to enlarge view of data
wplot_zoomout Button to enlarge view of data
cafeaddextrakey Used to add for _EXTRA structure a keyword entry and set it at a given value.
cafeconvertparamtoabs convert parameter index of parameter to absolute index of parameter
cafecurvefitfun fitting function for IDL CURVEFIT
cafeenv__cleanup Cleans up resources needed from environment structure definition of the CAFE program. This procedure should be changed to maintain environment defining/destroying (s.a.)
cafeenv__define Environment structure definition of the CAFE program. This procedure allows automatic structure definition after IDL version 5.0
cafeexecparse parses a command line, returns a string list which contains all items of a command line, usually separated with ",".
cafeexecscan scans exec string into token A token is a substring, being either - a comma - open/close parentheses () - open/close brackets [] - open/close string (") - some other characters - empty string if nothing matching found
cafeextract extracts data arrays according given range/subgroup/group
cafefitfun main fitting function
cafegetchisq compute chi^2 value for current parameters/data
cafegetdof compute degree of freedom for current settings
cafegetparam retrieve parameter
cafegetplotparam retrieve plot parameter
cafegetvalidparam return index for valid parameters
cafegti Return good time interval for given data sets.
cafeiplotbutton plots button on graphic window
cafeiplotinbutton returns whether button hit
cafelegendinfo adds plot legend information to environment so the legend_data routine can retrieve the plot information.
cafeminimizefun main minimization function
cafemodel main model function
cafemodelparse parses a model, returns a model string which contains additional items by equip each model with the environment identifier ("env"), the group and the input variabe ("x").
cafemodelscan scans fit model string into token A token is a substring, being either - an identifier (characters) - open/close parentheses - some other character - empty string if nothing matching found
cafeparam converts parameter to an index referencing this parameter in environment parameter list
cafeplotpanel plots data/model of fit in single panel
cafeplotpanelenhanced plots data/model of fit in single panel, faciliating enhanced expressions. Functionally like cafeplotpanel.
cafequotestr Adds string quotation marks if required.
caferange converts range string to an index for a group/subgroup
caferead reads a string/values from command line, reports it to log file, if given
cafereport reports a string/values to command output and log file, if given
cafesetparam Change list of set items
cafesetplotparam setplotparam Change common plot appearence
cafeupdatetie Looks for all tied parameters and updates its value according the tie defined.

Last modified by pro2html on 2008 November 09 at 04:10 UTC

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