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Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik

Abteilung Astronomie

Sand 1, D-72076 Tübingen, Germany
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Table of Contents


The subroutines in the astro-subdirectory of aitlib are subroutines that are of general astronomical interest. For a (larger) set of subroutines please refer to the astro-subroutines in GSFCs astrolib.

Index of Subroutines

BARYCEN Convert geocentric modified Julian date (MJD) to helio bary centric Julian date.
binarycor.pro NO EXPLANATION
binarypos.pro NO EXPLANATION
binradvel compute radial velocity of a binary system as a function of orbital phase or time (if t0 or t90 are given)
dblstarcor.pro NO EXPLANATION
get_jdstr Convert Julian Date into date and time strings appropriate for FITS files and return string
jdstr Convert Julian Date into date and time strings appropriate for FITS files
keplereq Solve Kepler's Equation
mkpickobj Get positional, orbital, and pulse period information for a given object name.
orbitplot make plot of orbit in binary star system. Observers look at the orbit from the left and the companion circles the star in the clockwise direction
sun_angdist calculate the angular separation between the Sun and a celestial body

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