Previous: New Features
We especially want to know if ftnchek crashes for any reason. It is not supposed to crash, even on programs with syntax errors. Suggestions are welcomed for additional features which you would find useful. Tell us if any of ftnchek 's messages are incomprehensible. Comments on the readability and accuracy of this document are also welcome.
You may also suggest support for additional extensions to the Fortran language. These will be included only if it is felt that the extensions are sufficiently widely accepted by compilers.
If you find a bug in ftnchek , first consult the list of known bugs below to see if it has already been reported. Also check the section entitled ``Limitations and Extensions'' above for restrictions that could be causing the problem. If you do not find the problem documented in either place, then send a report including
The report
should be sent to the following address: [email protected]
Highest priority will be given to bugs which cause ftnchek to crash.
Certain problems that arise when checking large programs can be fixed by increasing the sizes of the data areas in ftnchek . (These problems are generally signaled by error messages beginning with ``Oops''.) The simplest way to increase the table sizes is by recompiling ftnchek with the LARGE_MACHINE macro name defined. Consult the makefile and README file for the method of doing this.
The following is a list of known bugs.
Here ftnchek parses the I/O expression, A(J) , where J is used, before it parses the implied loop where J is set. Normally this would cause ftnchek to report a spurious used-before-set warning for J . Since this report is usually in error and occurs fairly commonly, ftnchek suppresses the warning for J altogether.WRITE(5,*) (A(J), J=1,10)
Prognosis: A future version of ftnchek is planned which will handle implied-do loops correctly.
Prognosis: To be fixed in a future version of ftnchek .
Prognosis: unlikely to be fixed.
Prognosis: may be fixed someday.
Next: Acknowledgements